mm, chezburger..

Shirts... and Pants. - StealthPilot

Roblox, my beloved.

first account creation date: 2017

current account creation date: 2020-1-2

roblox is pretty sentimental to me. i've been playing it for years now, and it's grown as i've grown (both in a very unstable, unorthodox way). i'm pretty sure it's what inspired me to start drawing, because of an undertale paper morph roleplay game with a swap!sans cat i thought was adorable. although i wasn't around for the classic 2000's era, i still have fond memories of that mid-late 2010's roblox. i try to emulate the old roblox style with my avatars, usually with a bit of my own twist, like a hair tuft. my love for roblox also ties into my alterhumanity. if you've seen my icon on the alterhuman summoning circle, you'll notice a robloxian. that's one of my kintypes! or well, it's specifically a ramustype, i'm a kinixus system. i feel the most strongly connected to that one. sometimes i wish i could just crawl into the roblox servers and stay there. i did try making an avatar based off the image i used, and it's my current favorite, i feel the most strongly connected to it. anywho, roblox was fundamentally a huge part of my life. i never really had that many friends, but socializing on roblox was what gave me human interaction at the time. it was nice. i remember my first best friend on there was named evie. i miss evie. i hope they're okay, wherever they are. the reason why there's two account creation dates is because my first got hacked by the ice valk scam, and now i have my current.

i still miss guests, however.