cyrus is enjoying this side of the internet.

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Heaven - .flow OST


agentromanoffsir's neocities guide - the resource i've been using ever since i started. contains other websites for references, html tutorials, fun things to add to your site, and communities + manifestos for web revival. heavily recommend.

scm music player - music player you can add to your site. very easy to set up, can use mp3 uploads, youtube links, i think soundcloud works as well? comes in a bunch of nice styles. be warned, it makes the rest of your code unable to be viewed via inspect element.'s tiled bgs - my main resource for background tiles, i absolutely love these.'s ideas for your personal website - recently been using this for ideas as to what i can add to my site! very helpful.

hekate's button maker, background archive, and background generator - prev version of this page mentioned i made a button before, perhaps i'll remake it?

art credits for the icons can be found by clicking on the icons! borders were originally made by lol_rust.